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Letting Go


Letting go means being brave. Being vulnerable and honest enough to bare all and strip back what needs to release. Letting go means actively doing something; having the courage to move the chess piece, not just saying you will. Letting go sounds like the easiest task in the world, 'giving up something' but do you know how much effort determination and resilience that takes? How 'letting go' manifests itself in to stomach pains, headaches, lip biting and zero appetite.

Letting go requires you to show up as the strongest version of yourself, it's a sacrifice you are willing to make, against all of the odds. For someone with weak boundaries, a people pleaser that puts others first, 'letting go' is torturous, it evades sleep and taps on your shoulder during breakfast. It's a demon setting up camp in the back of your mind and the reflection staring back at you in the mirror.

I wish more than anything in the world that 'letting go' was as early as it sounds, this mind altering juxtaposition of sorts. To me 'letting go' is goals. But this time, I am ready. I am willing. I will LET GO.

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